Ncam reality camera rig1

Ncam Mk2 Connection Box is a production device for filmmakers, broadcasters and live event producers to link Ncam’s camera tracking bar with compatible servers, locally or remotely. Because attaching a production server directly to the camera is not necessary, the Mk2 Connection Box makes the Ncam set-up significantly lighter in weight – one of the physical barriers preventing teams from using Ncam camera tracking.

Nic Hatch, CEO of Ncam said, “Putting the Mk2 Connection Box on your camera or belt and linking it to your server with a lead tether, ethernet or fibre, means your capture space is essentially unlimited.” Also, since the Mk2 Connection Box works with any Ncam-compatible server, users no longer have to buy the Mk2 Server option in order to access and take advantage of Ncam’s camera tracking.

Integrated directly with Unreal Engine, the Ncam Reality system includes the Mk2 Camera Bar, Mk2 Server and Ncam Reality software. The software is the control interface for camera tracking and lens profiling operations when using the camera bar. Those components share data and work together to blend live action and CG content, in indoor or outdoor environments, regardless of the camera, lens or rig.

Ncam Mk2 Connection Box

The Mk2 Connection Box connects the Mk2 Camera Bar to Ncam Reality-compatible servers via ethernet. The Mk2 server is used to control the system, and allows it to transmit the tracking data.

Through its Intel Atom chipset, the new Mk2 Connection Box has enough processing power onboard to support third-party hardware, including smart lens and follow focus systems, and protect the integrity of Ncam sensor data, and camera and lens metadata.

Weighing 400 grams, the Mk2 Connection Box is very light, and runs silently. When used to replace a regular camera-bound server, cinematographers will be able to balance the set-up more easily and keep the image stable, whether they are shooting handheld or with stabilised mounts.

The new Connection Box is also automatically compatible – without configuration – with smart lenses and follow focus devices from ZEISS, ARRI, cmotion, Teradek and Tilta, making it simpler and more familiar for camera operators to use.