Quantum  - StorNext on AWS


Category  Storage

DMW Awards Finalist

With the demand for collaborative solutions for increasing remote users, many broadcast and television and film production content creators have adopted cloud services for parts of their production workflow. Cloud services are appealing because of their consumption-based model, ease of accessibility from any location, and the ability to scale up or down as needed.

However, many customers expect the same level of collaboration and coordination as seen in shared storage systems in their post-production facilities – and adopting cloud solutions usually requires adapting workflow tools to work with object storage, in addition to having to copy files back and forth to the cloud with each change or new workflow step. Still, other solutions require users to install custom clients to enable extensive cloud caching, or to spend extra attention on creating and linking to smaller proxy versions on temporary storage.

Each of these approaches adds substantial complexity to production workflows, which in turn, leads to more management oversight and troubleshooting as needs change.

The Solution

To deliver the full shared storage experience with the benefits of cloud, Quantum has leveraged the containerized architecture of StorNext 7 to deliver StorNext on AWS Marketplace, a complete shared storage experience in the cloud, on Amazon’s AWS cloud infrastructure.

Users can connect and mount their team's shared storage from any location, and work on files directly on shared storage as a team, with no need to copy files back and forth. StorNext on AWS Marketplace can be launched and ready-to-use in minutes. It is an excellent way to quickly spin up a familiar, shared storage environment ideal for collaborative team-based content production, then spin it down again when not needed. This is all on a consumption-based model with no hardware to purchase and no advanced cloud skills or configuration needed.

Customers can add more agility and resiliency to content operations, and unite islands of content production with familiar, easy-to-use StorNext shared storage environments. StorNext on AWS also serves as a foundation and bridge to unite multiple physical locations for managing and exchanging content across their entire organization.

The StorNext on AWS solution includes:

- StorNext file system deployments in a choice of configurations from 12 TB to 64 TB, with pre-configured, ready-to-use StorNext services to manage and monitor clients, storage volumes, and data movement services, such as FlexSync and FlexTier.

- A range of subscription plans from monthly to multiple-year contracts to accommodate customer OPEX budgets and usage-based consumption models that count toward customer negotiated AWS Enterprise Discount Program (EDP) purchase commitments.

- Availability as a Marketplace Private Offer from authorized Quantum and Amazon Consulting Partners for custom pricing and other services.

- No client software installation or configuration is required for users connecting via SMB.

- Optional Quantum Distributed LAN Client (DLC) is available at no cost to give a native platform file-system experience on macOS, Windows, and Linux clients.

- Optional tiering of data and content from StorNext volumes via StorNext Storage Manager to AWS S3, AWS Glacier, or other S3 storage targets.